What is Gluten?

What is Gluten?

First things first…Many people are unsure as to what gluten truly is.  Gluten is not harmful or "bad" if you are not allergic or intolerant to it.  Gluten is simply a protein.  It is the elasticy substance that develops in dough when wheat’s two proteins (glutenin and gliadin) come into contact with liquid.  The more kneading that is done to the dough, the more gluten that is developed. 

There are two reasons a gluten free diet is needed; If an individual has Celiac Disease or if they have a gluten intolerance.

For one of my internship projects, I did a Celiac Disease/Intolerance awareness day…Below is a poster I created with some interesting statistics.


About Me

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Welcome! As a Registered Dietitian with diet restrictions, I had a sparked interest to share healthy, gluten free recipes with readers! Over the years, cooking has truly become an obsession...and stress reliever. The last five years, I have had to learn how to cook and bake gluten free after being diagnosed with a severe gluten intolerance. With that being said, I have researched, experimented and developed a whole new way to go about food preparation. I now mix all my flours, bake my own GF bread, and alter and create my own recipes. I would love to hear from you with questions, comments, recipe ideas and/or anything and everything in between. Hope you enjoy! Email with questions or comments at: sharleyschreiner@yahoo.com